Here is another example of Wikileaks disinformation. Here, we can see Wilileaks recycling a story published on a right–wing site purporting to prove that the financier, supporter of liberal causes, and veteran target of right–wing smears, George Soros, is ordering Hillary Clinton to do his dastardly deeds.
The story is based on a declassified telegram picked up by Wikileaks and posted on another right-wing, the American Mirror. (See here for information about the man behind the site.) The site correctly characterized this as a case of “taking foreign policy advice from left-wing billionaire activist George Soros,” something not terribly scandalous. Nor was the advice bad–keeping rival political factions in Albania from coming to blows through mediation. After a stormy demonstration ended with three demonstrators shot dead (a fourth died later), the European Union advocated a moratorium on anti-government demonstrations to end the violence. Of the three mediators Soros recommended, one of them was sent, and he went as Managing Director for Russia, Eastern Neighborhood and the Western Balkans in the EU’s External Action Service. So much for Soros masterminding the Obama White House’s Albania policy. (The comments under the article are, as is often the case, much more important than the article itself, as it shows how its readership understood what was written.)
American Thinker took this piece and ramped up the American Mirror’s claim so that now it raises the question of whether Soros was “in charge of U.S. foreign policy when Hillary Clinton was secretary of state”. It was in this context that Wikileaks re-leaked a non-leak of theirs.
As a post-script: This “leak” was reproduced in the Russian disinformation site RT.