Dr. Jill’s Dog Whistle to the 9/11 Truthers

“A dog whistle to 9/11 Truthers, is what Wayne Rossi called it. The statement by the campaign calling for a new 9/11 investgation, is worded in such a way as to give “plausible deniability.” As on the vaxx question, she can appear to be ,”just asking questions,” as soft 9-11 Truthers do, while signalling to harder Truthers she is on their side. Ajamu Baraka, by being a guest on the Kevin Barrett radio show, repeatedly, it seems to me, appear to be more explicit about his Trutherism.

You know how groups have a jargon, or a set of things they talk about? For example, I’ll bet we could probably tell if someone was Communist if they started talking about certain things, even if they never admitted it. So, antivaxxers have their own language, End the Feds types, 9/11 Truthers, etc. all have their own language, their own set of demands, things that pretty much no one else says.

“So if someone says, “the only county without a central bank” is being targeted, you can almost be certain they think the Rothschilds control the world’s money. They develop code to talk to each other without saying the most outrageous stuff. Antivaxxers have it. 9/11 truthers have it. Communists have it. Etc.

“Dr. Stein talks in the code of these various conspiracy theorists. So while if her language is superficially innocuous, those groups know she’s talking to them. A wink and a nod, but maintaining plausible deniability for those not in the know.

“One of those codes is to talk about reasonable questions about the FDA. In fact, there are reasonable questions about the FDA, but not with regard to vaccines. So talking about that in that way is a signal to antivaxxers, and believe me, they picked it up.

It’s the same with this call for an investigation. When someone says that, 99 times out of a 100, they turn out to be Truthers. Even if they try and deny it, if you keep at them, eventually it comes out and they start talking about Building 7. But when they’re being coy, they always start with calling for another investigation and pulling the quotes about how the original investigations were blocked, etc.”

Thanks, Michael Pugliesi. And some are not so coy. And some know the score.


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