Wikileaks and Anti-Clinton Conspiracy Theories V

Wikileaks fights the Rothschilds!

On October 22, 2016, Wikileaks posted this odd link. It seems to divide the baby of conspiracy theory between the Hillary Clinton is Satan harlots and the Rothschilds are Satan harlots. The cover of that week’s Economist featured a rather lurid picture of Putin. wikipedia-rothchildWikileaks rushed to label this Hillary Clinton war-mongering via Lynn de Rothschild, a close friend of Hillary’s who “controls” the Economist. In point of fact, although Lynn de Rothschild does own a large slice of this influential magazine, particularly after she does not own a controlling interest in it. And in any case, the lead article on the matter featured in the Economist actually takes a fairly dovish position on the confrontation between the West and Russia. Here is a representative quote:

Nuclear miscalculation would be the worst kind of all. Hence the talks need to include nuclear-arms control as well as improved military-to-military relations, in the hope that nuclear weapons can be kept separate from other issues, as they were in Soviet times. That will be hard because, as Russia declines, it will see its nuclear arsenal as an enduring advantage.

As anyone who has haunted certain corners of the internet knows, Rothschild bank conspiracy theories are rife there.

 Wikileaks’ was a clear dog whistle to this branch of the lunatic fringe, and the dogs came out barking.

It’s amusing to recall that part of this very same lunatic fringe (including Michel Chossudovsky of Global Research infamy) accused Wikileaks of being an arm of the Rothschilds.

There are some very good resources on Rothschild conspiracy theory. Skeptoid is a very good source for debunking conspiracy theories in general and this one in particular. Here is a useful article on the history of this fraud. Rationalwiki as usual bring satire to bear on it. Rothschild conspiracy theories rose with the rise of the Rothschild fortunes and received a huge boost from the Nazi regime. More recently, the rise of the Ron Paul right has led to a recrudescence of this theory. This book has some resources on the subject at hand. Here is another piece on the theme of the new right and the Rothschild meme.

The Wikileaks Twitter post has also come under attack for its playing on anti-Semitic themes.

Assange is no stranger to anti-Semitism and extreme-right politics, particularly the politics which swirls around the Kremlin. Consider his relationship with the Black Hundred thug Israel Shamir. This is probably the best treatment of the subject.

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